Support Articles for Builders
Welcome to BuildPass
How to invite workers
How do I change my personal details?
Cheat Sheet (Admin)
How do I change my company name and logo?
What to do if password reset link is expired
Unable to access BuildPass Admin
How To Add Admin Users
How Can I Customise My Navigation Bar in BuildPass?
How to enable notifications in the admin app
How to customise site inductions
How do I add a worker and their tickets to BuildPass?
What is a company induction and how do I enable it?
What is a Company Induction
What is a site induction?
How do I Manually Induct a Worker?
How do I request a re-induction?
How to generate your QR Code poster
How to Assign a Site Induction to a Project
Previewing Inductions in BuildPass
How do I generate a PDF of an induction?
My worker is unable to induct and is seeing a message about SWMS being required
How to induct a worker without scanning a QR code
How do I sign on as a visitor?
How do I sign a worker off manually?
Are workers automatically signed out at the end of the day?
What is a Sign on?
How do I generate a report of subcontractor sign-ons?
How do I export sign ons?
How Do I Set Up Rotating QR Codes for My Project?
How can I Sign Off all Workers at the end of the day?
Bulk export sign-ons for all current projects?
How do I change the sign on template?
How do I sign off as a visitor?
Prevent workers signing on without an approved induction
What’s the difference between pre-starts and toolboxes?
How do workers sign the toolbox talk?
How do I create a toolbox?
What is a toolbox?
How do I run a toolbox?
How Do I Mark Attendance on a Toolbox?
How are workers notified of a toolbox?
How do I add an attendee to a toolbox that wasn’t originally invited?
How do I generate a PDF of the toolbox?
What changes have been made to the Toolbox module?
How to navigate the improved Toolbox Module
How does BuildPass calculate a worker's hours for a sign-on?
What is a Site Diary
How do I add a site diary
How do I copy a site diary?
How do I customise the fields on a site diary?
How do I generate a PDF of a site diary?
How do I see the site diary that an image was uploaded on?
How do I complete a site diary for another day?
How do I quickly find a site diary?
How do I change the default man hours?
Site Diary 101
How do I generate a QR code for a checklist?
How do I create a checklist template?
How do I view a completed checklist?
How do I set up a checklist reminder?
How to categorise your Checklists
How to create scheduled checklists?
How do I start a checklist?
How to Download a PDF Version of Your Checklist
How do I share a checklist with a subcontractor?
How do I share a checklist with a worker?
How to create checklist categories
Highlighting Checklist Information
How to create an access template?
Who can create and edit site inductions?
How do I edit a checklist template?
How do I add conditional logic to checklist templates?
How to Export Checklist into PDF
What is a Checklist Template
What are checklists used for?
How to filter my checklists
How do I add a subcontractor to a project?
Do you have an email I can send to my Subbies to introduce BuildPass?
How do I upload SWMS for a subcontractor?
How Do I Add a New Subcontractor
How to request custom document types from subcontractors
How to remove a subcontractor from a project
Can I request specific documents from a subcontractor?
How do I add a contact for a subcontractor?
How do I bulk upload subcontractors?
How to remove a subcontractor from your account
Do subcontractors have to re-upload documents to each project?
How to share an invite link with a Subcontractor
Subcontractor Introduction
How do I view all of the files that a subcontractor has uploaded?
How do I add tickets for a worker?
How do I get more ticket types added to BuildPass?
How do I view all expired tickets?
How do I set up company-wide required tickets?
How to Set Project-specific Tickets
What happens if I add a new mandatory ticket?
How Can I Prevent Workers with Invalid Tickets from Signing On to Site?
How to Streamline Ticket Management Through BuildPass
How do I upload a SWMS for a subcontractor
How to Request SWMS from Your Subcontractor
Does BuildPass have SWMS templates?
How do I review a SWMS?
What is a SWMS Review Checklist?
How do I customise a SWMS review checklist?
What happens if SWMS are uploaded after an induction is completed?
How do I add SWMS for my own staff?
What does the SWMS module do?
How do I make a SWMS optional?
What is a SWMS library?
How do I archive and unarchive my SWMS?
Exporting SWMS
How to attach additional documents to your SWMS in BuildPass?
How do I add a register item?
How do I create a register?
Introduction to BuildPass Registers
Linking a Checklist to a Register
What is a project-specific register?
How do I link a checklist to a register item?
How To Update Register Items
How do I share a register item checklist with a subcontractor?
How do I edit the register fields?
How do I change the columns on a register?
How do I change the project a register item is assigned to?
How do I change who a register item is assigned to?
How Do I Update a Register Template?
How to hide register items not relevant to my project?
How do I generate a report of defects?
How do I create a defect?
How do I send a defect to the assignees?
How do subcontractors respond to defects?
How do I download a defect report?
What are defects?
How do I close out / resolve, a defect?
How do I see the defects for a particular subcontractor?
How do I edit a defect?
How can I enable defects in an ITP or checklist template?
How can I see defects across all of my projects?
How do I assign defects to a location?
How do I configure the timesheet template?
How do I configure the settings for timesheets?
How do I review and submit timesheets as an admin?
How do I configure timesheet notifications?
As a secondary approver how do I use timesheets?
Bulk export timesheets for all current projects
How Can I Create a Timesheet from Sign On/Sign Off Entries?
How Can I Enable Start and End Times for Timesheets?