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How to navigate the Toolbox Module
How to navigate the Toolbox Module
Gilad Goldman avatar
Written by Gilad Goldman
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Discover the latest updates to the Toolbox module, designed to streamline your scheduling and management process for a more efficient experience.

We've made some significant changes to the Toolbox module to enhance its usability based on user feedback. While the core functionality remains the same, the process flow and certain actions have been updated to make it more intuitive and efficient.

New Workflow Overview:

  • Scheduling a Toolbox: The first button you'll now encounter is Schedule a Toolbox. This is where you set the time and agenda for your toolbox meeting. The questions you will be asked are unchanged. However, the ability to add attendees at this point has been removed.

  • Inviting Attendees: After scheduling the toolbox, you can now add attendees by navigating to the Attendees tab or pressing Invite Workers. You can repeat this step multiple times but remember, sending invitations via SMS is optional; as all workers will still see the scheduled toolbox when they sign on the day.

  • Marking Attendance: The process for marking attendance has been improved. In addition to marking attendance for those initially invited, you can now also include workers who signed on after the invite or were missed in the first step. These attendees will be marked as "Builder generated" to distinguish them from those who scanned the QR code or added themselves.

These updates are designed to give you more control and flexibility when managing your toolbox sessions. If you have any feedback or questions, please reach out to us.

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